Sunday, November 4, 2012

Psychosomatic Illness: What it is, and how to heal it.

What is Psychosomatic Illness?
The word 'psychosomatic' has its origins in the words psycho=pertaining to the mind/psyche, and somatic=pertaining to the physical body. Thus the term 'psychosomatic' means physical illness that originates in the mind. Some people have the wrong notion that psychosomatic conditions are entirely in the mind. This is not so. These conditions are actual physical ailments that have their origin in the human mind.

How do Psychosomatic diseases originate?
The human mind is a wonderfully complex entity. It is constantly at work recording, interpreting and co-relating countless sensory inputs that are picked up by the brain. The mind has the capacity to see 'what is' with clarity or the ability to distort 'what is' by comparing/contrasting and relating it the many ideas/impressions already present. This over-activity of the mind leads to confusion and confused states of perception. Moreover, the mind keeps dividing itself into many different fragments, each of which harbours and protects ideas that are contradictory in nature. Though the mind compartmentalises ideas and thoughts to maintain each one's space and to avoid conflict, what inevitably and ironically happens is that the mind ends up fragmenting itself into many smaller entities, within the single individual. This in turn leads to a fragmented personality, or multiple personalities within one individual, which due to their peculiarities, are constantly at odds with each other. The consistent conflict between the different parts of the fragmented personality strains the nervous system, which gradually weakens and may even break down. The malfunctioning of the nervous system in turn affects the various organs in the body, thereby giving way to undesirable and unhealthy conditions or diseases. These diseases are often incurable by medicine. Tranquillizers often alleviate psychosomatic conditions, but fail to cure them.

How to cure/heal Psychosomatic diseases?
The way to cure psychosomatic diseases is a two-pronged approach. The bodily condition must be addressed by appropriate change of life style, adequate exercise and rest and a nutritious diet. However, this takes care of only the immediate discomfort. The real problem that needs to be addressed is the fragmentation within the individual personality. The only way to dissolve the various factions within the mind, that are at war with each other, is to bring the mind into a state of (almost) absolute silence/stillness. The various fragments, being parts of the same mind, are like waves in the ocean. Without wind, there are no waves. Similarly, without conflicting thoughts, which are like wild winds blowing in conflicting directions, there is no fragmentation in the mind. The way to still the mind is meditation. Meditation stills the mind, thereby restoring 'whole-ness' of being. The fragments are dissolved into the whole. the personality undergoes a process of letting go, which releases the attachment to the boundaries it has created. This leads to re-integration of the personality. It is this that leads to whole-ness and healing of the individual. To successfully cure/heal psychosomatic diseases, meditative practices should be made a regular and important part of one's everyday life. The unified awareness/consciousness that follows meditation must be carried forward into one's life, thereby altering the quality of one's existence.

Where can I learn meditation?
Depending on your inclination, there are numerous meditative traditions that you may approach. If you are interested in learning Hamsa Kriya Meditation, which is an ancient Indian system of psychic purification through breathing techniques, you may contact the author of this blog at:

Phone: +919748791486

Warm regards,
Sanjay Balachandran.
Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel

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