Sunday, May 17, 2015


Tonight the firmament is full of stars,
Scintillating, bright, pulsating light.
And high upon the deep
A presence moves,
At once invisible and in sight.

Cradled in the hand of God
The mighty planets reside.
They question not, but abide.

Upon the earth two souls unite
In perfect harmony.
No fear, no pride, no respect lost,
And great is achieved at little cost.

We are the substance,
We are the sum,
When we find equilibrium.

And all is well, within and without,
Peace and calm reign supreme.
A new leaf begins to sprout,
With the birth of a new dream.

A dream of distance and of love,
As below, so above.
And distance is but space,
To behold the beloved's face.

And so God teaches and is taught
By man, by woman, beast and child,
By things beautiful and things wild,
That all belong in the Greater All,
And Earth is within Heaven's Hall.


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Flesh and Bone

Oh Flesh and Bone!
A dream made real
You are,
Composed of starlight
And hope, and longing
Turned to actuality.

An awful man

Met an awful man today
With the voice of a teen
And the mind of a maniac.
He has inherited a tutorial
And treats teachers like
So many little tin cans.
His voice an arrow
Thats lights with precision
On the other's flesh
Slicing man like bacon meal.
Said he pompously,
"I do this business for profit"
"This study center is a Mudi Dokan
for me. It's all about the money!"
Won't someone tell him
That Mudiwalas deal in inanimate objects
While good teachers engage themselves
In the nurturing and nourishing of life?
His wife a teacher,
embarrassed and teary eyed,
Silently swallowed her fate.